Customer reviews of the charts.
When you sell a product and your customer’s make the effort to submit a positive review it makes your business worthwhile.
Here are some of the reviews which we and one of our franchisee have received on sites where we or our franchisee suppy the
personalised charts.
John fron Countercraft. Who advertises on Amazon always has a star rating of nearly five and some really good reviews, he has
over 727 ratings, he supplies the personalised charts in a Special Days folder.
Born Gifted an Internet Directory selling mainly products for new born babies, we take the orders from them, produce the chart
and post it out, here are there customers reviews. When you get reviews like this it brightens up your day.
On the link below select Reviews
We also supply the personalised charts to a Gift Directory called Gift Experience, they advertise the charts, we fullfil the orders
and we share the profits, here are their customer’s reviews. On the link below scroll down.
Sharing the profits with others is ideal for increasing your revenue but when you sell directly you get to keep all the profits.
There are thousands of internet directories which could benifit from selling the personalised charts through you.