With our data system always being up to date our franchisees can respond quickly to a request for a chart for a newborn
baby, we have replaced the Cost of Living with the Place of Birth, Weight at Birth and Time of Birth. Eager Grandparents
and friends will rush to order as soon as they know the Name, Date of Birth, Place, Weight and Time. The standard The Day
You Were Born chart can also be used which shows the Cost of Living for future reference. When the charts are printed a
Greeting Page is generated so birth details can be added to the Greeting page within the program.
Always new customers, there are some 700,000 babies born in the UK each year.
Presentation. We prefer the profesional Bevel Cut Mount as above which looks great, can be placed on the wall and they travel
through the post well, the charts are A4 in size and look great in picture frames and inside a folder with the greeting page
We do sell the individual charts, why not buy one to test the reaction, see Chart Sales on the Menu Bar.